
Buy a Home in Costa Rica with Cryptocurrency

Luxury home on a hillside with golden crypto currency displayed in the foregroundContact me if you are interested in buying or selling real estate using Cryptocurrency in Costa Rica.

I have lawyers and escrow agents that can provide confidence that your funds will be secure throughout the real estate transaction.

You will have to provide your personal information and where the funds are coming from to our Costa Rican government approved escrow service. The funds will need to be funds that you have acquired legally and are not proceeds of crime.

You can buy almost any real estate in Costa Rica using your existing crypto currency investment.

Buying with Crypto is Very Simple

  • I will help you find the property you want to buy, negotiate the terms and price of the transaction.
  • Once you decide on the property of your choice, you deposit 10% of the purchase price in US dollars into our escrow service as a security deposit.
  • During the due diligence period, you make arrangements to deposit the crypto into the approved escrow agency and hold for the transaction.
  • The escrow will charge you a conversion fee.
  • This conversion fee will depend upon market conditions and escrow service policies.
  • The fee is set by the escrow service and communicated to you during the diligence period and before the final cash to close deposit is provided.
  • On closing day the seller receives their money in US dollars, and you will own the rights to the property you choose.

We currently have very few sellers willing to accept crypto as a direct medium of exchange due to the conversion cost and perceived risk of reliably converting crypto currency into commonly accepted US currency.

If you own real estate properties in Costa Rica and are willing to accept cryptocurrency as a medium of exchange contact me.

There are several buyers wanting to purchase using direct exchange of Crypto currency for real estate.

If you want to use your crypto currency to buy Real Estate in Costa Rica contact me.

You can have confidence in our process.

I have put together and coordinate an experienced team you can trust.

My team will ensure your real estate transaction proceeds just like any other local real estate transaction.

Under all circumstances buyers will need to provide 10% of the purchase price in US dollars as a security deposit. All funds used will need to pass Costa Rican Government security measures and buyers / sellers will need to meet personal identification documentation requirements.

Other currencies
Pricing terms

The price is based on current exchange rates but is only an approximation. Please contact us for a final price